Posts tagged Study abroad
Young people can have opinions too: Thoughts on [the Oxford tutorial system]

We need to remove the prejudice against young people being world-shapers. Lafayette was a teenager—yes, a teenager—when he joined the American Revolution and was made a major-general. We often think of teenagers as intellectually blocked beings being puppeteered by hormones and video games. What kind of contributionsdo you think we are missing—to government, to science, to literature, to art, to society as a whole—because we've told a generation of young people that their thoughts and opinions have no merit, that they'll think differently, correctly, when they're older?

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The Life of a Short-Term American Expatriate

I've dreamed about studying abroad ever since I can remember. When my brother and I played house as little kids, I was always a missionary in China or a college student in Germany. Then, in high school, I became enraptured with British television (Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock—the works), and I set my sights on England, hoping to one day spend a glorious semester across the pond and become a bona fide anglophile. 

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