Hannah Elise Schultz — Welcome
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Writer, Traveler, Environmentalist, & Dog Lover

Welcome to my home base—my name is Hannah Schultz, and I am a writer and English PhD candidate from Kentucky.

My favorite things include traveling the world with my spouse, Ryan; cuddling with my two Great Pyrenees (Winnie & Otis); hiking and taking photos of plants, animals, cool rock formations, waterfalls, and mountains along the way; and procrastinating grad school homework by reading for fun.

Take a peek at the blog page for ramblings about life and lovely photos of dogs & places I’ve been.



Adventures in

Serendipity (n.): the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for

Adventures in Serendipity seeks to celebrate the adventures of life—from love, to nature and hiking, to traveling, to work and school. Click one of the links below to start reading.


Planting Threads is my custom embroidery art shop. Embroidery began as a hobby and artistic escape from the demands of grad school. As I shared my pieces as gifts to my friends and family, the idea of an Etsy shop popped into my head—both as a way to share my newfound love and supplement my (not great) teaching assistant income. I hope you’ll consider taking a look and invest in a one-of-a-kind piece, hand-stitched with love by yours truly.

When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.
— John Muir